Cloud 5G and Cloud 6G technologies are strong backbone infrastructures to provide high data rate and data storage with low latency for preserving QoS (Quality of Service) and QoE (Quality of Experience) in applications such as driverless vehicles, drone-based deliveries, smart cities and factories, remote medical diagnosis and surgery, and artificial-intelligence-based personalized assistants. .ere are many techniques to support the aforementioned applications, but for privacy preservation of Cloud 5G, the existing methods are still not sufficient. Public key encryption (PKE) scheme is an important means to protect user data privacy in Cloud 5G. Currently, the most common PKE used in Cloud 5G is CCA or CPA secure ones. However, its security level maybe not enough. SOA security is a stronger security standard than CPA and CCA. Roughly speaking, PKE with SOA security means that the adversary is allowed to open a subset of challenger ciphertexts and obtains the corresponding encrypted messages and randomness, but the unopended messages and randomness remain secure in the rest of the challenger ciphertexts. Security against SOA in PKEs has been a research hotspot, especially with the wide discussion in Cloud 5G. We revisited the SOA-CLE and proposed a new security proof, which is more concise and user friendly to understand privacy preservation in Cloud 5G applications.